Wine Wednesday

wine Wednesday: beef bourguignon

as usual, i did this all totally wrong. or, i mean, as wrong as you can go with a delicious California red. a tinge of fall weather seemed to beg for something hearty to put in our bellies. i had some beef tips of some nature in the fridge. i had a bottle of red […]


wine Wednesday: Good Morning Sunshine!

it’s been a while. i have been dealing with a lot of uncertainty, uncomfortable-in-my-own-skin-ness and overscheduling on both the work and home fronts, seemingly all summer. i’m holding a post on all that until it is perfect, you know because i have time for perfection (gaaahhh), so stay tuned and sorry for the blackout. the good […]


wine Wednesday: Southern Slush

so, this is vacation drinking, y’all. Spy took the kids down to a cute little craft market at Tybee Lighthouse the other day and brought me back this: Southern Slush from Savannah Signature Sweets. yep. it’s exactly what it sounds like. a frozen wine cocktail. no shame. last year’s random, fruity indulge was old-school berry-flavored […]


wine Wednesday: patio weather!

not tryin’ to brag, y’all. but . . . according to one source i just saw, Atlanta hit 77° today. yep. that’s right. this time last week, we were tracking school closings and bracing for another snowpocalypse. welcome to winter weather in the South. i even decided i could pull out white jeans today — […]


wine Wednesday: we all scream for wine ice cream!

just wow. anybody who’s ever had a gruesome, wallow-inducing break-up, something rooftop-shoutingly phenomenal to celebrate or just an everyday case of feeling utterly decadent will totally be able to relate to the sheer awesomeness of this find: Mercer’s Wine Ice Cream. in the ultimate 2-great-tastes-that-taste-great-together combo, the most clichéd and delicious heartbreak/celebration/indulgence go-to foods confirm what i’ve always known: […]


wine Wednesday: wah-wah

gaaaaahh. you know how when you look forward to something for so long and you just know it’s gonna be awesome? and then it actually happens and you’re like completely on pins and needles about the whole thing for like the first 10 minutes just waiting for the awesome to descend? and then you’re like […]


wine Wednesday: the box is back!

  so excited that another case arrived from Naked Wines arrived last week! not excited about the hideous black and blue marks on my arms from hauling the hulking box from office to car on Friday, determined that come hell or high water, i would have it for the weekend. i look like an NFL girlfriend. […]


wine Wednesday: truth

while doing a little research for another post, i came across a charming little article/infographic on Lifehack (via The Savory) detailing how long your open bottle of wine will last if you put a cork in it, based on what type it is. um . . . how cute. i don’t know what they were thinking, but […]


wine Wednesday: writers wining

again, so psyched to have some lovely ladies that, long about Wednesday each week, always want to have a cocktail and chat!  . . . and a husband with a flexible evening schedule this week.  . . . and a favorite former co-worker and mentee (and adorable, smart guy you would like to hang out with and […]
