
real neat blog!

woosh. it has been a heck of an evening. i have a lot of things about the day rolling through my mind to write about  — some realizations, some good times and maybe a belated Wine Wednesday. but for now, Spy just left in a whirlwind of activity, including Miss Girl and me having road […]


lucky Friday the 13th

i know. a lot of you out there are wary of this supposedly unlucky day and all the terrible things that might happen. trust me, i’m not immune to a little superstition, either. but on this Friday the 13th, i’m actually feeling especially lucky. so i wanted to jot down a few of the reasons […]


Friday favorites

yay! it’s a big Friday around here: Miss Girl makes her acting debut this afternoon in a video we’re shooting for a client (free talent is good talent on this budget). i can’t wait to see how she does pretending to make popcorn and watch a movie with her fake family. speaking of fake families, i […]


Friday Favorites

anyone else having trouble remembering what day it is? omg. i’m on day 3 of a 5 day break from work and am pretty much in a complete days daze. it’s freaking fantastic. so when i realized on the way home from the vet (fluids for Mr. P) that today is Friday, i thought what […]


Friday favorites

another week and another collection of awesome things i’ve encountered over the course of it. enjoy and TGIF! retro dresses absolutely loving these sweet throwback dresses and more! not only does Shabby Apple have super cute vintage-inspired clothing, they are seriously committed to beautifying and empowering women. two reasons to feel good that i placed […]
