Atlanta Falcons

Writing 101: coffee talk

if we were having coffee right now, i’d tell you how excited i am to be the only one awake in the house. i’d tell you it’s my very favorite time of day — when things are quiet and clean. it’s one of my very few windows of me time, so it’s a really perfect […]


Sunday supper: gameday breakfast

god, it’s weird to watch football at 9:30 in the morning. but with the Falcons in London (along with Spy — and our Falcons flag!) you gotta do what you gotta do, y’all! given that this is the only meal that will likely get cooked in this house today, i figured i’d go ahead and […]


Friday favorites

here’s the round-up of my very favorite things from this week. TGIF, everybody! a fun new outfit i’m way past due in putting in a Boden order for spring! i’m kind of in between sizes and had a lot of trouble deciding between so many cute things! but settled for now on this dress and […]
